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Isn’t Cybersecurity Enough?

Isn’t Cyber Security Enough?

Many business owners believe their cybersecurity measures are enough to prevent a data breach; however, there are still times out of their control that would require additional measures – cyber and data breach insurance.

Take extra measurements, find cyber awareness training for your loved ones, your employees, elderly and kids in the family and teach them from real-life situations what all we can do at our end to not get scammed.

here’s one FREE resource:

FREE cyber awareness training ~ Pure FUN & subconsciously educational!
If you like what you learn, share the knowledge with others!

Mitigate your cybersecurity risk and transfer your financial risk by having robust cyber insurance!Have good cyber security in the place for the times that are out of your control. cyber security and cyber security insurance are critical aspects of your business. Cyber insurance is just as important as cyber security posture.

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4 stars!

tanya noorani
tanya n

...was able to do for me what other brokers said wasn't possible...

Alicia G

This surely is the company to go through.

Sheila M

I look forward to continuing to work with Sharmeen.

Edward M

Sharmeen is dedicated to educating small business owners...

Jane L